Human Services

SIMON's PLACE Human Services

The Help you need when you need it!


Simon’s place human services is a new, cutting edge agency built from the ground up to meet the needs of Brevard County’s children and families. We provide evidence based programs to help those who are struggling with a variety of issues. We provide treatment, support and resources to help adults, children and families thrive!



The Mighty dandelion

A dandelion can find a way to grow with the most minimal resources; who hasn’t seen one popping up between the cracks in a concrete sidewalk? Similarly, today’s most resilient health and human services companies are lean and dandelion-tough

Like the dandelion, which knows its time is short, new leaders now have months, not decades, to succeed. Like the dandelion, leaders should use a faster, agile, flexible mindset to explore and exploit new opportunities presented by constantly challenging the status-quo, even when they are growing.
" Dandelions are resilient like children, no matter what they thrive, just like love."
Saadia Rose

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Our Hours

SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00